Arman Novin Pishgaman Saba Company

Arman Novin Pishgaman Saba Company has been registered under number 519998 on 09/22/2017 and national ID 14007272922 in the Companies and Non-Commercial Institutions Registration Office of Tehran Province with the aim of investing in the shares of other companies. The current registered and fully paid capital of this company is one hundred billion Rials.


It is worth mentioning that the nature of this company, which is a parent company, and the purpose of investing in the shares of other companies is to have control and supervision over their activities by appointing at least one member of the board of directors.


The company’s approach is to identify projects that can be implemented in Iran with a competitive advantage in regional markets. In this regard, the company’s technical and economic consultants define and evaluate the desired projects and after preparing investment packages to propose to shareholders to make decisions.


همراه گرامی در صورتیکه تمایل دارید با شرکتهای زیر مجموعه تماس حاصل نمایید شماره تماس هر شرکت در صفحه اختصاصی شرکتها از طریق منوی سرمایه‌گذاری‌ها در دسترس است