Ibn Sina Hamedan Petrochemical Company

Ibn Sina Petrochemical Industries Company of Hamedan has been registered in 1390/10/28 with registration number 229 and national ID 10820099880 in Hamedan Companies Registration Office at the address: Hamedan, Famenin city, Jahanabad village, Jahanabad special economic zone.


The registered and paid-in capital of the company is 400 billion Rials.


The shareholders of the company are as follows:


    Ghadir Petroimen Industries Company 77%

    National Petrochemical Company 20%

    Other natural persons 3%


Type of Activity:


It will produce chemical products including ethylene oxide, ethanolamine, glycol ether and ethoxylates after the project is completed.

همراه گرامی در صورتیکه تمایل دارید با شرکتهای زیر مجموعه تماس حاصل نمایید شماره تماس هر شرکت در صفحه اختصاصی شرکتها از طریق منوی سرمایه‌گذاری‌ها در دسترس است