Pars Parand Hayan Company

Pars Parand Hayan Company (Private Joint Stock Company) was registered on 11/07/2009 with registration number 1748 and national ID 10260558630 in Isfahan Companies Registration Office at the following address: Shahr Reza, Razi Town, Razi Boulevard, first phase, 10th Street, No. 98 Is.

The registered and paid-in capital of the company is 200 billion Rials.

  Type of Activity:

This company has specialized and efficient forces in the industry of producing all kinds of metal barrels.

Arman Novin Pishgaman Saba Company owns 70% of the company’s shares.

همراه گرامی در صورتیکه تمایل دارید با شرکتهای زیر مجموعه تماس حاصل نمایید شماره تماس هر شرکت در صفحه اختصاصی شرکتها از طریق منوی سرمایه‌گذاری‌ها در دسترس است