Sadra Shimi Khuzestan Company

Sadra Shimi Khuzestan Company (Private Joint Stock Company) has been registered in Khuzestan Companies Registration Office on 10/28/2012 with registration number 41001 and national ID 10420335598.


The registered and paid-in capital of the company is 50 billion Rials.


Type of Activity:


This company is an active project in the field of benzene and gasoline production.


Arman Novin Pishgaman Saba Investment Company owns 45% of the company’s shares.


The shareholders of this company are as follows:


    Arman Novin Pishgaman Saba Company 45%

    Arman Gostar Farzanegan Sepahan Company 8.7505%

    Omid Andisheh Sepahan Company 8.7505%

    Real persons 37,499%

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